Tuesday 24 September 2013

Ranakpur Ramblings

A few nervous faces this morning after yesterday's epic. Just how would our backsides feel once we've taken our seats? Answer: not too bad. We decided to be a lot less competitive today, (unheard of between Si and myself) and stuck to the rear section of the group. Today's riding was around 60km, so still a fair old distance. Once again tho, we were blessed by a decent amount of cloud cover which makes a huge difference when riding. Heading towards the mountains, the views became considerably greener and much more like what I was expecting. Every village we have ridden through (lost count now) all the villagers wave and say hello. We must stick out like sore thumbs as people shout and wave from field's way back from the roadside and people almost line the streets cheering and being incredibly friendly. Could never see this happening in the UK! Having ridden the greater distance the day before; today seemed much easier and we arrived in to Ranakpur under a welcome rain shower just before 2pm local time. Tonight's stay is the only hotel that isn't a Heritage type accommodation, but it's still very nice. The afternoon has been spent sorting kit out and putting our feet up after what has been a very busy and tiring few days since leaving Delhi. Tomorrow is pretty much our last day of riding. A mountain stage from Ranakpur to Kumbalargh, around 55km, followed by celebratory drinks and preparing for the handover of our bikes to the local village near Udaipur where our journey ends.

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