Friday 20 September 2013

Arrived in Rohet

Heck of a day yesterday. After the craziness of Delhi Train station and an 11 hour train journey (with no sleep), we then set off on the 60km bike ride. Mad hour or two escaping Jodhpur centre including a send off from local dignitaries, we eventually made it out of town and onto relatively more quieter roads. Searing heat in the afternoon, there were a few drop outs, injuries and wasp attacks. Arrived in Rohet after a very tiring 24 hours. Couldn't even manage a beer. Fantastic food and hotel more than made up for it, followed by an early-ish night and we're now up at 0500 for today's 60-miler. This is the longest ride of the week and expecting a few more fallers! The bikes are more suited to the shorter chaps, so anyone over 6' struggles a bit with knees clashing with handlebars! We're managing fine so far but I'm sure I'll have some interesting tales after 100km of riding today!