Tuesday 24 September 2013

Jojarwar Pain

100 km done. One heck of a day's cycling. Set off at 6am and throughout most of the day had luck on our side as it's been quite a cloudy day. This meant the first 60km were relatively straightforward. The crew did a good job of arranging stops every 10km or so, which helped break the day up into manageable chunks. Mid-morning saw us visiting a chai tea 'shack'. Fantastic. Then after lunch the sun came out and the temperature shot up to yesterday's levels. 40+. Silas headed the pack for most of the day, whereas I struggled once again with the heat and was further delayed by a puncture after lunch and my seat gave way with around 8km to go! Si, spurred on by getting in ahead of everyone else to book his massage raced to the front and got his booking sorted. After another short evening of great food and the odd beer we retired dead early for tomorrow's 60km epic. Very sore and even more tired.

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