Thursday 26 September 2013

Final Push

After being given a lie in, we were up and cleaning our bikes for the short hop to the local nominated school to handover our bikes. Really tired legs now but the last few kilometers went very fast and we all arrived to music and what seemed like the entire population of the school and parents. This was a big deal to them and they made a huge effort to show their appreciation. After a few presentations, speeches and bike race (!) The music was cranked up and the partying began. Those of you who have seen the end of Slumdog Millionaire will know what I'm talking about. All very good fun. The representatives from Free the Children showed us just where you're money will be going (including Luke's quid). New building work has already started for an extra classroom which will help make class numbers more manageable. Current classes regularly flood during the monsoon and I counted over 40 satchels in one tiny room, badly lit and with no desks or seats (for anyone). For everyone involved it was a day no one will forget. The parents, staff and children were genuinely grateful and the money and bikes donated will make a huge difference to their lives. Since we left the village we have spent our own evening partying in Udaipur, before arriving in Delhi this morning having caught the overnight train (12 hours). We fly back to London later this evening and we hope to update you on how much money was raised amongst the group. Including gift aid, we've collectively brought in over six hundred pounds, so many thanks again for your donations (even Luke). To summarise, I don't think either myself or Silas have done anything quite so arduous and tiring. It's been an amazing experience and one we will never forget, made all the more satisfying that it's all been in a good cause. Would we do it again? Most probably, yes! Although could do with giving the legs a rest for a week or two. Certainly looking forward to riding a bike that fits and having something other than curry for lunch and dinner!

Thanks again.

Callum and Silas

1 comment:

  1. WELL DONE!!!!!!!! :-D Amazing pictures - what an incredible experience!
